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quickinspectR is a package designed for beginner R programmers that makes graphically inspecting your data faster and easier. In this article, we’ll go through basic usage, intermediate usage, and advanced usage of quickinspectR using a tried-and-true dataset among R programmers: penguins from the palmerpenguins package.

Getting started

To get started, we first need to load the quicksinspectR package into our session.

If you don’t already have it installed, you can use the commented out code below to install the devtools package - this lets us install the development version of quickinspectR straight from GitHub.

# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("andrewfullerton/quickinspectR")

We also need to load palmerpenguins in order to access the penguins dataset. Let’s do that!

# install.packages("palmerpenguins")

Great! Now that we’re set up, we can see how quickinspectR works.

Basic usage

By design, all quickinspectR functions require only one argument: a data frame or a tibble (data). Unless otherwise specified, functions will display all the relevant variables contained in the data frame and default to easy-to-read plot styling.

Currently, quickinspectR contains three inspect functions:

  • inspect_normality: graphically inspect the distribution of numeric variables in your data.
  • inspect_balance: graphically inspect class imbalance among categorical variables.
  • inspect_missing: graphically inspect missingness in your data.

Each of these functions can be used to help you familiarize yourself with your data and get your analyses off the ground just a bit quicker.

Using inspect_normality to inspect distribution

Let’s say I’m interested in exploring the relationship between body mass, bill length, and flipper length using the penguins dataset.

One of the first things I likely want to know before I start trying to do any intensive analysis is “are these variables normally distributed?” - the answer to this question will dictate both what types of analysis I can do and how I will approach my analysis.

I can fumble around with dplyr, tidyr, and ggplot2 for an hour trying to build the plot I need from the ground-up, or I can inspect_normality and get to the fun stuff sooner.

In a single line of code, I have a pretty good sense of how these variables are distributed. If I want to get rid of some of the clutter in that plot, I can tell inspect_normality which variables I’m interested in via the vars argument.

inspect_normality(data = penguins,
                  vars = c("bill_length_mm", "flipper_length_mm", "body_mass_g"))

Using the vars argument, I can focus on the variables I’m most interested in and leave the variables I’m not interested in out of the plot.

Using inspect_balance to inspect class imbalance

Now that I’ve inspected some numeric variables, I’m thinking that there might be some connection between the species of a penguin, its sex, and its physical attributes.

There are a few important details I want to know right away. How many different species am I dealing with in this dataset? Are there enough observations corresponding to each classification of species/sex for me to use them meaningfully in my analysis?

Before undertaking any formal analysis, I want to make sure I’m well-informed about this. I can inspect_balance to figure this out quickly.


With a single line of code, I can see that there’s a pretty even split between male and female penguins, but there’s much less balance between the different species of penguins. I’ll keep this in mind before I start trying to build any models.

Using inspect_missing to identify missing values

You may have noticed that an NA found its way into the above plot. This is a good reminder that I should take a look to see if there’s any missing data in the penguins dataset.

If data is missing in a patterned way, it could introduce bias into my analysis. I can inspect_missing to figure this out.


Most of the missing data seems to be in the sex variable. I think it’ll be okay, but I’ll keep this in mind if I start seeing some unexpected results later on. And just like we did before, I can use the vars argument to select only those variables I’m most interested in.

inspect_missing(data = penguins,
                vars = c("bill_length_mm", "flipper_length_mm", "body_mass_g", "species", "sex"))

Now that I have my bearings, I can move on to more advanced (and time-intensive) analysis. Using quickinspectR I was able to accomplish a few routine inspections in just a few minutes with just a few easy lines of code.

Intermediate usage

If you wanted to, you could stop reading right now and go use quickinspectR in your work, but sometimes it’s nice to add a little pop of colour to your visualizations.

Plot customization

All inspect functions in quickinspectR contain several additional (but optional) arguments to make plot customization more accessible for the beginner (or the experienced programmer who’s in a rush).

  • vars (as seen above) allows you to easily select the variables you want to visualize and expects a character vector of variable names as input.
  • fill_colour lets you pick your colour of choice and expects an R-supported colour or hex value as input.
  • title lets you add a descriptive title to your plot. It expects a non-empty string as input.
inspect_normality(data = penguins,
                  vars = c("bill_length_mm", "flipper_length_mm", "body_mass_g"),
                  fill_colour = "blue",
                  title = "Penguin Attributes")

Now you can inspect your data in style! While some inspect functions contain additional arguments, all share these same basic customization options.

To see what additional arguments a particular inspect function has, you can check the documentation by running ?inspect_... in the console, replacing ... with your function of choice. For example, running ?inspect_normality will reveal an additional bins argument that lets you specify the number of bins to use in each histogram visualization.

Advanced usage

While quickinspectR is intended as a package to help novice R programmers get their analyses off the ground more efficiently rather than build deeply customized plots, there are plenty of opportunities to extend quickinspectR when you want to.

Using ... to extend inspect functions

Under the hood, quickinspectR is generating ggplot2 objects. Using the ... argument, you can pass any supported ggplot2 argument directly into the plot’s “main” geom layer.

When using inspect_normality, your arguments will be passed right into the geom_histogram layer. When using inspect_balance and inspect_missing, your arguments will land in the geom_bar layer.

inspect_normality(data = penguins,
                  vars = c("bill_length_mm", "flipper_length_mm", "body_mass_g"),
                  fill_colour = "navyblue",
                  title = "Penguin Attributes",
                  colour = "lightblue", # Specifies the bar outline colour
                  alpha = 0.7) # Reduces the opacity

Using colour and alpha, we were able to add additional customization to our plot.

Adding additional ggplot2 layers

While passing additional arguments into a pre-specified geom layer is great, it’s not without limitations. Since inspect functions return a standard ggplot2 object, you can easily add themes, layers, and more using standard ggplot2 syntax. Let’s add a dark theme to the plot.

library(ggplot2) # Load ggplot2

inspect_normality(data = penguins,
                  vars = c("bill_length_mm", "flipper_length_mm", "body_mass_g"),
                  fill_colour = "navyblue",
                  title = "Penguin Attributes",
                  colour = "lightblue",
                  alpha = 0.7) + 
  theme_dark() # Adds dark theme

Another situation where this comes in handy is when you want to use an inspect function to get your plot most of the way there, but add some additional modifications and geom layers based on a specific use case. Let’s add some custom axis labels and a geom_rug layer.

inspect_normality(data = penguins,
                  vars = c("bill_length_mm", "flipper_length_mm", "body_mass_g"),
                  fill_colour = "navyblue",
                  title = "Penguin Attributes",
                  colour = "lightblue",
                  alpha = 0.7) +
  theme_dark() + 
  labs(x = "Physical attributes", y = "Count") + # Axis labels
  geom_rug(aes(x = value), color = "red", alpha = 0.5) # Geom layer

Happy inspecting!

There you have it! In this article, we’ve covered some basic use cases, some intermediate use cases, and even a couple advanced use cases that push the limits of quickinspectR. Happy inspecting!